Web design
How do we deliver a strong online presence?
Hit the drawing board
The first port of call with any web design project is with you, the client. We interview you on all things that you want from your project. What do you like, what don’t you like, do you already have a logo or brand? – questions galore!
Armed with all that information we set about creating a plan for the site – a structure, a scheme, a style, a layout… the building blocks for a great site.

Putting a skin on the concept
When we’re all in agreement with the building blocks it’s time to get creative. We bust open our favourite design tools and start making things pretty. Pretty is good but we also make sure that the end-user will have little to think about through careful consideration of usability. This is often the most exciting stage of any project – creating strong visual elements.
This part of the process, along with the first, is the most client-intensive, as we need your input. Any successful web design project should be a two-way collaboration between client and agency and this is just the way we like it – with you on-board we have a better chance of getting things just right.
Delve into some coding
With the site fully mocked-up we start making those pretty pictures actually come to life. We sit your site on our shiny servers and set about building the framework for the site, the HTML, the CSS, the PHP, the JS and any other acronym we need to make it work.
At this stage we make sure that the final output is compatible on all popular browsers and operating systems.
Build it and they will come
It may have worked for Kevin Costner, but it isn’t true for all websites. A good-looking, cross-browser compatible website with great usability just isn’t enough these days to drown your server with traffic – who knew?
If you need a little help with the online marketing of the site once it is built (or even before) we can help with that too. Whether it’s SEO or simply monitoring your usage and modifying the user experience to suit, we can work out a plan.